Maintenance38TIP:Place a towel or something similar under theoutboard motor to protect it from damage.EMU30272Storing outboard motorWhen storing your Yamaha outboard motorfor prolonged periods of time (2 months orlonger), several important procedures mustbe performed to prevent excessive damage.It is advisable to have your outboard motorserviced by an authorized Yamaha dealer pri-or to storage. However, you, the owner, with aminimum of tools, can perform the followingprocedures.NOTICEECM01411 Do not place the outboard motor on itsside before the cooling water hasdrained from it completely, otherwisewater may enter the cylinder through theexhaust port and cause engine trouble. Store the outboard motor in a dry, well-ventilated place, not in direct sunlight.EMU28305ProcedureEMU28335Flushing in a test tankNOTICEECM00301Before starting the engine, make sure tosupply water to the cooling water passag-es. Otherwise, the engine could overheatand be damaged.1. Wash the outboard motor body usingfresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa-ter into the air intake. [ECM01840] For furtherinformation, see page 39.2. Disconnect the fuel line from the motor orshut off the fuel cock, if equipped.3. Remove the engine top cowling and si-lencer cover. Remove the propeller.4. Install the outboard motor on the testtank. Fill the tank with fresh water toabove the level of the anti-cavitationplate. NOTICE: If the fresh water levelis below the level of the anti-cavitationplate, or if the water supply is insuffi-cient, engine seizure may occur.[ECM00291]5. Cooling system flushing is essential toprevent the cooling system from cloggingup with salt, sand, or dirt. In addition, fog-ging/lubricating of the engine is mandato-ry to prevent excessive engine damagedue to rust. Perform the flushing and fog-ging at the same time. WARNING! Donot touch or remove electrical partswhen starting or during operation.Keep hands, hair, and clothes awayfrom the flywheel and other rotatingparts while the engine is running.[EWM00091]6. Run the engine at a fast idle for a fewminutes in neutral position.7. Just prior to turning off the engine, quicklyspray “Fogging Oil” alternately into eachcarburetor or the fogging hole of the si-lencer cover, if equipped. When properlydone, the engine will smoke excessivelyand almost stall.1. Water surface2. Lowest water levelZMU0205112