12A-S501/A-S301A-S501/A-S301■ DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURES / 分解手順(Remove parts in the order as numbered.)Disconnect the power cable from the AC outlet.1. Removal of Top Covera. Remove 4 screws (1), 4 screws (2) and screw (3).(Fig. 1)b. Remove the top cover. (Fig. 1)2. Removal of Front Panel Unita. (A‑S501)Remove screw ( ), screw ( ) and then removethe top frame.(Fig. 1)(A‑S301)Remove screw ( ) and then remove the topsupport. (Fig. 1)b. Pull out the knobs and cap. (Fig. 1)c. Remove 7 screws ( ). (Fig. 1)d. Remove the front panel unit. (Fig. 1)AC1. トップカバーの外し方a. 1 4 2 4 3 1Fig. 1b. Fig. 12. フロントパネルユニットの外し方a. (A‑S501)1 1Fig. 1(A‑S301)1Fig. 1b. Fig. 1c. 7 Fig. 1d.Fig. 1Fig. 1Front panel unitKnob VOLUMEVOLUMEKnob INPUTINPUTKnob BASS/TREBLE/BAL./LOUD.BASS/TREBLE/BAL./LOUD.Knob SPEAKERS OFF/A/B/A+BSPEAKERS OFF/A/B/A+BCap POWERPOWERTop frame(A-S501)(A-S301)Top coverA-S301A-S501