8A-S801A-S801■ INTERNAL VIEW■ SERVICE PRECAUTIONS / サービス時の注意事項Safety measures• Some internal parts in this product contain highvoltages and are dangerous. Be sure to take safetymeasures during servicing, such as wearing insulatinggloves.• Note that the capacitors indicated below aredangerous even after the power is turned off becausean electric charge remains and a high voltagecontinues to exist there.Before starting any repair work, connect a dischargingresistor (5 k-ohms/10 W) to the terminals of eachcapacitor indicated below to discharge electricity.The time required for discharging is about 30 secondsper each.C134, C135 on MAIN (1) P.C.B.For details, refer to PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS:MAIN (1) P.C.B..安全対策•• OFF5 k /10 W30MAIN1P.C.B. C134C135PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDSMAIN1P.C.B.a MAIN (8)b MAIN (2)c FUNCTION (4)d DIGITALe MAIN (6)f FUNCTION (1)g FUNCTION (2)h FUNCTION (3)i MAIN (5)j MAIN (1)k MAIN (4)l POWER TRANSFORMERm OPERATION (7)n OPERATION (4)o OPERATION (3)p OPERATION (1)q OPERATION (2)r OPERATION (6)s OPERATION (5)Top viewFront view1 3 7 82m n o p4 5 6rsj 9klq