Maintenance99TIP:Inspect ground leads attached to external an-odes on equipped models. Consult aYamaha dealer for inspection and replace-ment of internal anodes attached to the pow-er unit.EMU29324Checking battery (for electric startmodels)WARNINGEWM01903Battery electrolyte is poisonous and caus-tic, and batteries generate explosive hy-drogen gas. When working near thebattery: Wear protective eye gear and rubbergloves. Do not smoke or bring any other sourceof ignition near the battery.The procedure for checking the battery variesfor different batteries. This procedure con-tains typical checks that apply to many bat-teries, but you should always refer to thebattery manufacturer’s instructions.NOTICEECM01921A poorly maintained battery will quicklydeteriorate.1. Check the electrolyte level.2. Check the battery’s charge. If your boatis equipped with the digital speedome-ter, the voltmeter and low battery alertfunctions will help you monitor the bat-tery’s charge. If the battery needs charg-ing, consult your Yamaha dealer.3. Check the battery connections. Theyshould be clean, secure, and covered byan insulating cover. WARNING! Badconnections can produce shorting orarcing and cause an explosion. [EWM01913]EMU35606Connecting the batteryWARNINGEWM00573Mount the battery holder securely in a dry,well-ventilated, vibration-free location inthe boat. Install a fully charged battery inthe holder.