4-11EWhen fitting the plug, always clean thegasket surface and use a new gasket.Wipe off any dirt from the threads andscrew in the spark plug to the correcttorque.NOTE:If a torque-wrench is not available whenyou are fitting a spark plug, a good esti-mate of the correct torque is 1/4 to 1/2 aturn past finger-tight. Have the spark plugadjusted to the correct torque as soon aspossible with a torque-wrench.1 Spark plug gap2 Spark plug I.D. mark (NGK)903022qwInitial of spark plugI.D. mark Plug wrench sizeB 21 mm (13/16 in.)C/BK 16 mm (5/8 in.)D 18.3 mm (23/32 in.)EMU00369CHECKING FUEL SYSTEMwGasoline (petrol) and its vapors are highlyflammable and explosive. Keep awayfrom sparks, cigarettes, flames or othersources of ignition.Check the fuel line for leaks, cracks, ormalfunctions. If any problem is found, itshould be repaired immediately by Yama-ha dealer or other qualified mechanic.Checking points8 Fuel system parts leakage.8 Fuel hose joint leakage.8 Fuel hose cracks or other damage.8 Fuel connector leakage.Spark plug torque:Refer to “SPECIFICATIONS”, page 4-1.