Operation and important riding points5-25EAU54171Starting the engineIn order for the ignition circuit cut-offsystem to enable starting, one of thefollowing conditions must be met: The transmission is in the neutralposition. The transmission is in gear withthe clutch lever pulled and thesidestand up.See page 3-44 for more informa-tion.1. Turn the key to “ON” and makesure that the start/engine stopswitch is set to “ ”.The following warning lights andindicator lights should come on fora few seconds, then go off. Oil level warning light Engine trouble warning light Traction control system indi-cator/warning light Cruise control indicator lights Immobilizer system indicatorlightNOTICEECA11834If a warning or indicator light doesnot come on initially when the key isturned to “ON”, or if a warning or in-dicator light remains on, see page3-4 for the corresponding warningand indicator light circuit check.The ABS warning light shouldcome on when the key is turned to“ON”, and then go off after travel-ing at a speed of 10 km/h (6 mi/h)or higher.NOTICEECA17682If the ABS warning light does notcome on and then go off as ex-plained above, see page 3-4 for thewarning light circuit check.2. Shift the transmission into theneutral position. The neutral indi-cator light should come on. If not,ask a Yamaha dealer to check theelectrical circuit.3. Start the engine by pushingthe “ ” side of the start/enginestop switch.If the engine fails to start, releasethe start/engine stop switch, waita few seconds, and then try again.Each starting attempt should beas short as possible to preservethe battery. Do not crank the en-gine more than 10 seconds on anyone attempt.NOTICEECA11043For maximum engine life, never ac-celerate hard when the engine iscold!