INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-193CAUTION:ECA10070Immediately wipe off spilled fuelwith a clean, dry, soft cloth, sincefuel may deteriorate painted surfac-es or plastic parts.EAU13320CAUTION:ECA11400Use only unleaded gasoline. The useof leaded gasoline will cause severedamage to internal engine parts,such as the valves and piston rings,as well as to the exhaust system.Your Yamaha engine has been de-signed to use regular unleaded gaso-line with a research octane number of91 or higher. If knocking (or pinging) oc-curs, use a gasoline of a different brandor premium unleaded fuel. Use of un-leaded fuel will extend spark plug lifeand reduce maintenance costs.EAU39450Fuel tank breather/overflowhoseBefore operating the motorcycle: Check the fuel tank breather/over-flow hose connection. Check the fuel tank breather/over-flow hose for cracks or damage,and replace it if damaged. Make sure that the end of the fueltank breather/overflow hose is notblocked, and clean it if necessary.Recommended fuel:REGULAR UNLEADED GASOLINEONLYFuel tank capacity:25.0 L (6.61 US gal) (5.50 reserve amount:5.5 L (1.45 US gal) (1.21 Fuel tank breather/overflow hose