INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-83EAU12930Brake leverThe brake lever is located at the righthandlebar grip. To apply the frontbrake, pull the lever toward the handle-bar grip.The brake lever is equipped with a po-sition adjusting dial. To adjust the dis-tance between the brake lever and thehandlebar grip, turn the adjusting dialwhile holding the lever pushed awayfrom the handlebar grip. Make sure thatthe appropriate setting on the adjustingdial is aligned with the arrow mark onthe brake lever.EAU12941Brake pedalThe brake pedal is on the right side ofthe motorcycle. To apply the rearbrake, press down on the brake pedal.EAU26791ABS (For FJR1300A only)The Yamaha ABS (Anti-lock BrakeSystem) features a dual electronic con-trol system, which acts on the front andrear brakes independently. The ABS ismonitored by an ECU (Electronic Con-trol Unit), which will have recourse tomanual braking if a malfunction occurs.WARNINGEWA10090 The ABS performs best on longbraking distances. On certain (rough or gravel)roads, the braking distance maybe longer with than without theABS. Therefore, always keep asufficient distance to the vehicleahead to match the ridingspeed.NOTE: When the ABS is activated, thebrakes are operated in the usualway. A pulsating action may be feltat the brake lever or brake pedal,but this does not indicate a mal-function.1. Brake lever2. Arrow mark3. Brake lever position adjusting dial4. Distance between brake lever and handlebargrip1. Brake pedal