PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT6-106TIPIf a torque wrench is not available wheninstalling a spark plug, a good estimateof the correct torque is 1/4–1/2 turnpast finger tight. However, the sparkplug should be tightened to the speci-fied torque as soon as possible.NOTICEECA10840Do not use any tools to remove or in-stall the spark plug cap, otherwisethe ignition coil coupler may getdamaged. The spark plug cap maybe difficult to remove because therubber seal on the end of the cap fitstightly. To remove the spark plugcap, simply twist it back and forthwhile pulling it out; to install it, twistit back and forth while pushing it in.EAU49791Engine oil and oil filter car-tridgeThe engine oil level should be checkedbefore each ride. In addition, the oilmust be changed and the oil filter car-tridge replaced at the intervals speci-fied in the periodic maintenance andlubrication chart.To check the engine oil level1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-face and hold it in an upright posi-tion. A slight tilt to the side canresult in a false reading.2. Start the engine, warm it up forseveral minutes, and then turn itoff.3. Wait a few minutes until the oil set-tles, and then check the oil levelthrough the check window locatedat the bottom-right side of thecrankcase.TIPThe engine oil should be between theminimum and maximum level marks.FZ1-NFZ1-NA1. Engine oil filler cap2. Engine oil level check window3. Maximum level mark4. Minimum level mark1. Engine oil filler cap2. Engine oil level check window3. Maximum level mark4. Minimum level Page 10 Monday, August 8, 2011 11:52 AM