INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS3-113TIPIf the display indicates error code 52,this could be caused by transponder in-terference. If this error code appears,try the following.1. Use the code re-registering key tostart the engine.TIPMake sure there are no other immobi-lizer keys close to the main switch, anddo not keep more than one immobilizerkey on the same key ring! Immobilizersystem keys may cause signal interfer-ence, which may prevent the enginefrom starting.2. If the engine starts, turn it off andtry starting the engine with thestandard keys.3. If one or both of the standard keysdo not start the engine, take thevehicle, the code re-registeringkey and both standard keys to aYamaha dealer and have the stan-dard keys re-registered.If the display indicates any error codes,note the code number, and then have aYamaha dealer check the vehicle.NOTICEECA11590If the display indicates an errorcode, the vehicle should be checkedas soon as possible in order to avoidengine damage.EAU12331Anti-theft alarm (optional)This model can be equipped with anoptional anti-theft alarm by a Yamahadealer. Contact a Yamaha dealer formore Page 11 Wednesday, March 17, 2010 11:37 AM