NS-70Thank you for selecting this Yamaha NS-70 speaker system.PRECAUTIONSRead these precautions carefully before using your speaker.● Any time you note distortion, reduce the volume control onyour amplifier to a lower setting. Never allow your amplifier tobe driven into “clipping”. Otherwise the speaker may bedamaged.● When using an amplifier with a rated output power higher thanthe nominal input power of the speaker, care should be takennever to exceed the speaker’s maximum input.● Do not attempt to clean the speaker with chemical solvents asthis might damage the finish. To clean, wipe with a dry, softcloth.● To prevent the enclosure from warping or discoloring, do notplace the speaker where it will be exposed to direct sunlight orexcessive humidity.● Do not place the speaker where it is liable to be knocked overor struck by falling objects. Stable placement will also ensurebetter sound performance.● Placing the speaker on the same shelf or rack as the turntablecan result in feedback.● Secure placement or installation is the owner’sresponsibility.YAMAHA shall not be liable for any accident caused byimproper placement or installation of the speaker.BEFORE MAKING CONNECTIONS, MAKE SURE THAT THEAMPLIFIER IS SWITCHED OFF.n CONNECTIONS● Connect the screw-type input terminals at the rear of thespeakers to the speaker output terminals of your amplifier withthe provided speaker cables.● One side of the speaker cable is red and the other side isblack. Connect the (+) terminals on both the amplifier and thespeakers using this red side. Connect the (–) terminals on bothcomponents using the black side of the cable.● Connect one speaker to the left (marked L) terminals of youramplifier, and another speaker to the right (marked R)terminals, making sure not to reverse the polarity (+, –). If onespeaker is connected with reversed polarity, the sound will beunnatural and lack bass.Procedures:À Loosen the terminal knob.Á Insert the bare wire end properly into the terminal hole.[Remove approx. 10 mm (3/8”) insulation from the speakercable.]Â Tighten the knob.Ã Test the security of the connection by tugging lightly on thecable at the terminal.* Banana Plug connectionsare also possible. Firsttighten the terminal knobs,and then insert theBanana Plug connectorinto the correspondingterminal hole.NoteDo not let the bare speaker wires touch each other as thiscould damage the speaker and/or the amplifier.CONNECTION TO YOUR AMPLIFIERRed lineBlack lineSpeaker (R)Speaker outputterminals of theamplifierNatural Sound 3-way, 4-speaker Bass Reflex Speaker SystemSpeaker (L)LoosenBlack(–)TightenRed (+)Red line