8Using the subwoofer (SW-P240)1 Power indicatorLights up GREEN when the POWER switch(4 ) is turned ON; turns off when the POWERswitch is turned OFF.2 VOLUME controlAdjusts the volume level. Turn the controlclockwise to increase the volume, and counter-clockwise to decrease the volume.3 INPUT terminalInput terminal for line level signals from theamplifier.4 POWER switchPress this switch to the ON position to turn onthe power to the subwoofer. When the power ofthe subwoofer is on, the power indicator (1 ) onthe rear panel lights up green. Press this switchagain to set it to the OFF position to turn off thepower of the subwoofer.Pre-adjusting the subwoofer vol-umeBefore you use the subwoofer, first adjust the vol-ume balance between the subwoofer and the frontspeakers by following the procedure below.1. Set the VOLUME control to minimum (0).2. Turn on the power to all other components.3. Press the POWER switch to the ON position.The power indicator on the rear panel lights upgreen.4. Play a source that contains low-frequencysounds. Adjust the amplifier’s volume control tothe desired listening level.5. Increase the volume gradually to adjust the vol-ume balance between the subwoofer and thefront speakers. In most cases, set the control to alevel at which you hear slightly more bass thanwhen the subwoofer is not used.6. Adjust the volume of the entire sound systemusing the amplifier’s volume control.• If you replace the front speakers (NX-S120) withother speakers, you must again balance the subwooferand surround speaker volume.• For more information on adjusting the VOLUMEcontrol, refer to “Frequency characteristics” onpage 11.110V-120V VOLTAGESELECTOR220V-240VOFFPOWERONVOLUMEINPUTOFFPOWERON4VOLUME213 INPUTRear panel