5ENGLISH■ Using a Channel Divider and SubwoofersUsing a channel divider in a multi-way system like the one shown in the diagram canprovide superior dynamic range and overall sound quality. The channel divider dividesthe line-level audio from the preamplifier or mixing console into separate frequencybands that are then sent to separate power amplifiers. The power amplifiers drivespeaker systems selected for optimum performance in the corresponding frequencyranges.■ Phone Plug WiringPhone plugs for connection to the phonejack inputs should be wired as shown tothe right. Be sure to use proper speakercable – NOT shielded instrument or linecable – for all speaker connections.MIXINGCONSOLETWO-CHANNELGRAPHICEQUALIZERLEFTINPUTSRIGHTCHANNELDIVIDERLEFTHIGHRIGHTINPUTTO POWERAMP INPUTSLEFTRIGHTLOW INPUTTWO-CHANNELPOWER AMPLIFIERTWO-CHANNELPOWER AMPLIFIEROUTPUTOUTPUTSPEAKER SYSTEMSSPEAKER SYSTEMSR118W/R118WCR118W/R118WCLRLRLRLRLRLR