Seat beltsSeat belts should be worn by both driver andpassenger. Driver must be sure that the pas-senger is belted before driving. Be sure the seat belt is not twisted, isclose-fitting across the hips and chest,and is latched securely. Do not wear the lap belt across the abdo-men or stomach. Do not put the shoulder belt behind theback.Failure to use seat belts properly may lead toan increased likelihood and severity of injury.An unbelted occupant may strike the interiorof the vehicle, the protective structure, or oth-er objects in an accident or during operation.You may also fall completely out or be partial-ly ejected from the vehicle, which may lead tobeing crushed between the ground and thevehicle. Wearing the seat belt helps you re-main in the vehicle – the doors and handholdsare not a substitute for using a seat belt.A crash can damage the restraint systems inyour vehicle. A damaged restraint systemmay not properly protect the person using it,resulting in serious injury or death in a crash.To help make sure your restraint systems areworking properly after a crash, have them in-spected and any necessary replacementsmade as soon as Page 6 Friday, August 3, 2007 11:59 AM