12345678910111213 Always inspect your vehicle each time you use it to be sure it is in safe operating condition. Al-ways follow the inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules described in this man-ual. Always keep both hands, arms, feet, and legs inside the vehicle at all times during operation.Keep your feet on the floorboard. Never hold onto the enclosure except when using the hand-grip inside the enclosure. Otherwise, your hand could be injured if it is caught between the en-closure and an obstacle outside the vehicle. Always keep both hands on the steering wheel when driving. Never wrap your thumbs and fingers around the steering wheel. This is particularly importantwhen driving in rough terrain. The front wheels will move right and left as they respond to theterrain, and this movement will be felt in the steering wheel. A sudden jolt could wrench thesteering wheel around, and your thumbs or fingers could be injured if they are in the way of thesteering wheel spokes. Always go slowly and be extra careful when operating on unfamiliar terrain. Always be alert tochanging terrain conditions when driving the vehicle. Never operate on excessively rough, slippery, or loose terrain until you have learned and prac-ticed the skills necessary to control the vehicle on such terrain. Always be especially cautiouson these kinds of terrain.EE.book Page 2 Wednesday, August 2, 2006 5:10 PM