17. NO MENU18. IF STATUS (Input function status)Not for service.19. BUS CHECKCommunication and bus line connection between devices on the DIGITAL P.C.B. are checked.19-1. TI (DSP) BUS checkCommunication and bus line connection between microprocessor (IC221) and TI (DSP, IC241) are checked.OK: No error detected.NG: An error is detected.20. NO MENUNoEr: No error detected.Boot: When “Boot” is displayed for a few seconds or “Boot” and “NoEr” are displayed alternately, there is apossibility that an error had occurred.19-2. EEPROM BUS checkCommunication and bus line connection between microprocessor (IC221) and EEPROM (IC222) are checked.44RX-V367/HTR-3063RX-V367/HTR-3063