3. Parallel connection of speaker systemsS 0112TTo speakeroutput terminalsof a power amplifierRS 0112TTo nextspeaker system Fig.5Both the S 0112T and S 4115H can be connectedin parallel as shown in the Fig.5. Namely, ordinarypower amplifiers are designed to operate stably ata speaker system load impedance of 4 ohms or8 ohms. Except in such a special case* as a poweramp that operates stably with a load impedancebelow 4 ohms, don’t connect more than twospeaker systems in parallel. This may damage thepower amplifier and speakers.4, Connecting to speaker terminals (S 4115H)blackO red®Fig.6With your finger press the bottom part of the ter-minal as shown in the Fig.6, insert the speakercord, take your finger away and the cord is lockedin place.RESPONSE(dB)FREQUENCY ‘RESPONSE &DISPERSIONS 0112T FREQUENCY RESPONSEE3500 1K 2K 5K 10K OKFREQUENCY (Hz)S 0112T HORIZONTAL 180° DISPERSIONPA5 0112T VERTICAL 180° DISPERSION RESPONSE (dB))UPPER90" 90 100RESPONSE(dB)S 4115H FREQUENCY RESPONSEFREQUENCY (Hz)S 4115H HORIZONTAL 180° DISPERSIONRESPONSE (dB)BELO