![Yamaha TW200 Owner's Manual Manual pdf 43 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5808157/88231b2fdbe8b6b2c2a9f112b1a1acf543f.jpg)
6-13PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR123456789EAU00629Carburetor adjustmentThe carburetor is a vital part of theengine and requires very sophisti-cated adjustment. Most adjust-ments should be left to a Yamahadealer who has the professionalknowledge and experience to doso. However, the following may beserviced by the owner as part ofroutine maintenance.EC000094cCThe carburetor was set at theYamaha factory after many tests. Ifthe settings are changed, poorengine performance and damagemay result.EAU01168Idle speed adjustmentNOTE:A diagnostic tachometer must beused for this procedure.1. Attach the tachometer. Startthe engine and warm it up fora few minutes at approximate-ly 1,000 to 2,000 r/min.Occasionally rev the engine to4,000 to 5,000 r/min. Theengine is warm when it quicklyresponds to the throttle.ba 11. Throttle stop screw2. Set the idle to the specifiedengine speed by adjusting thethrottle stop screw. Turn thescrew in direction a toincrease engine speed and indirection b to decrease enginespeed.NOTE:If the specified idle speed cannotbe obtained by performing theabove adjustment, consult aYamaha dealer.Standard idle speed:1,350 ~ 1,450 r/min5FY-28199-EX (TW200) 4/16/02 5:38 PM Page 42