General information2EMU25262Manufactured date labelThis label is attached to the clamp bracket orthe swivel bracket.EMU25272Star labelsYour outboard motor is labeled with a Cali-fornia Air Resources Board (CARB) star la-bel. See below for a description of yourparticular label.EMU25280One Star—Low EmissionThe one-star label identifies engines thatmeet the Air Resources Board’s 2001 ex-haust emission standards. Engines meetingthese standards have 75% lower emissionsthan conventional carbureted two-stroke en-gines. These engines are equivalent to theU.S. EPA’s 2006 standards for marine en-gines.EMU25290Two Stars—Very Low EmissionThe two-star label identifies engines thatmeet the Air Resources Board’s 2004 ex-haust emission standards. Engines meetingthese standards have 20% lower emissionsthan One Star-Low-Emission engines.1. Manufactured date label locationEMISSION CONTROL INFORMATIONENGINE FAMILY :THIS ENGINE CONFORMS TO 2001 U.S. EPA REGULATIONS FOR MARINE SI ENGINES.REFER TO THE OWNERS MANUAL FOR MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS.FELs :SPARK PLUG :DISPLACEMENT :ADVERTISED POWER :IDLE SPEED :SPARK PLUG GAP (mm) :FUEL : GASOLINEVALVE LASH (mm) : IN : N/A EX : N/AcmkWg/kW-hr rpm IN NEUTRAL3ZMU05230ZMU046691Manufactured:ZMU043461. Star labels location1ZMU04668ZMU01702