Instrument and control functions4-74AVE_ _._ MPG → _ _ °F → Air_ _ °F →Clock → ODO → TRIP 1 → TRIP 2 →TRIP FTIP Push button A to change the dis-play in the reverse order. You can manually reset the fuel re-serve tripmeter, or after refuelingand traveling 5 km (3 mi) it will re-set automatically and disappearfrom the display.Instantaneous fuel consumptionThis function calculates the fuel con-sumption under current riding condi-tions. The instantaneous fuelconsumption can be set to either“km/L”, “L/100 km” or “MPG”. “km/L”: The distance that can betraveled on 1.0 L of fuel under thecurrent riding conditions is shown. “L/100 km”: The amount of fuelnecessary to travel 100 km underthe current riding conditions isshown. “MPG”: The distance that can betraveled on 1.0 US gal of fuel un-der the current riding conditions isshown.To switch the kilometer-based instan-taneous fuel consumption settings,push button B for two seconds.TIPIf traveling at speeds under 20 km/h(12 mi/h), “_ _._” is displayed.Average fuel consumptionThis function calculates the averagefuel consumption since it was last re-set. The average fuel consumption canbe set to either “AVE_ _._ km/L”, “AVE__._ L/100 km” or “AVE_ _._ MPG”. “AVE_ _._ km/L”: The average dis-tance that can be traveled on 1.0 Lof fuel is shown. “AVE_ _._ L/100 km”: The averageamount of fuel necessary to travel100 km is shown. “AVE_ _._ MPG”: The average dis-tance that can be traveled on 1.0US gal of fuel is shown.To switch the kilometer-based averagefuel consumption settings, push buttonB for two seconds. To reset the aver-1. Instantaneous fuel consumption display11. Average fuel consumption display1