Periodic maintenance and adjustment7-30123456789101112EAU85250Lubricating the rearsuspensionThe pivoting points of the rear suspen-sion must be lubricated by a Yamahadealer at the intervals specified in theperiodic maintenance and lubricationchart.EAUM2703Lubricating the swingarmpivotsThe swingarm pivots must be lubricat-ed by a Yamaha dealer at the intervalsspecified in the periodic maintenanceand lubrication chart.EAU51951Checking the front forkThe condition and operation of the frontfork must be checked as follows at theintervals specified in the periodic main-tenance and lubrication chart.To check the conditionCheck the front fork for damage and ex-cessive oil leakage.To check the operation1. Place the vehicle on a level sur-face and hold it in an upright posi-tion. WARNING! To avoid injury,securely support the vehicle sothere is no danger of it fallingover.[EWA10752]2. While applying the front brake,push down hard on the handlebarsseveral times to check if the frontfork compresses and reboundssmoothly.Recommended lubricant:Molybdenum disulfide greaseRecommended lubricant:Molybdenum disulfide grease