MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE7-47StorageShort-termAlways store your motorcycle in a cool,dry place and, if necessary, protect itagainst dust with a porous cover. ECA00014CAUTION:_ Storing the motorcycle in apoorly ventilated room or cover-ing it with a tarp, while it is stillwet, will allow water and humid-ity to seep in and cause rust. To prevent corrosion, avoiddamp cellars, stables (becauseof the presence of ammonia)and areas where strong chemi-cals are stored._Long-termBefore storing your motorcycle for sev-eral months:1. Follow all the instructions in the“Care” section of this chapter.2. For motorcycles equipped with afuel cock that has an “OFF” posi-tion: Turn the fuel cock lever to“OFF”.3. Drain the carburetor float cham-bers by loosening the drain bolts;this will prevent fuel deposits frombuilding up. Pour the drained fuelinto the fuel tank.4. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuelstabilizer (if available) to preventthe fuel tank from rusting and thefuel from deteriorating.5. Perform the following steps to pro-tect the cylinders, piston rings, etc.from corrosion.a. Remove the spark plug caps andspark plugs.b. Pour a teaspoonful of engine oilinto each spark plug bore.c. Install the spark plug caps onto thespark plugs, and then place thespark plugs on the cylinder headso that the electrodes are ground-ed. (This will limit sparking duringthe next step.)d. Turn the engine over several timeswith the starter. (This will coat thecylinder walls with oil.)e. Remove the spark plug caps fromthe spark plugs, and then installthe spark plugs and the spark plugcaps. EWA00003WARNING_To prevent damage or injury fromsparking, make sure to ground thespark plug electrodes while turningthe engine over._6. Lubricate all control cables andthe pivoting points of all levers andpedals as well as of the sidestand/centerstand.