7-5CHECKING THE BULBS AND BULB SOCKETS ELECEAS00732CHECKING THE BULBS ANDBULB SOCKETSCheck each bulb and bulb socket for damage orwear, proper connections, and also for continu-ity between the terminals.Damage/wear Repair or replace the bulb,bulb socket or both.Improperly connected Properly connect.Incorrect continuity reading Repair or replacethe bulb, bulb socket or both.TYPES OF BULBSThe bulbs used on this motorcycle are shown inthe illustration on the left. Bulbs A and B are used for headlights andusually use a bulb holder which must be de-tached before removing the bulb. The majorityof these bulbs can be removed from their re-spective socket by turning them counterclock-wise. Bulb C is used for turn signal and tail/brakelights and can be removed from the socket bypushing and turning the bulb counterclock-wise. Bulbs D and E are used for meter and indica-tor lights and can be removed from their re-spective socket by turn D and pulling E themout.CHECKING THE CONDITION OF THEBULBSThe following procedure applies to all of thebulbs.1. Remove: bulb