4-94CAUTION:ECB00070Use only unleaded gasoline. The use of leadedgasoline will cause severe damage to internalengine parts, such as the valves and pistonrings, as well as to the exhaust system.WARNINGEWB00310 Do not overfill the fuel tank. Fuel expandswhen it heats up. If the fuel tank is overfilled,fuel could spill out due to heat from the en-gine or the sun. Be careful not to spill fuel, especially on theengine or exhaust pipe which can cause afire and severe injury. Wipe up any spilledfuel immediately. Do not refuel right after the engine has beenrunning and is still very hot. Be sure the fuel tank cap is closed securely.EBU18820Fuel cockThe fuel cock supplies fuel from the tank to the car-buretor while also filtering it.The fuel cock lever positions are explained as fol-lows and shown in the illustrations.OFFWith the fuel cock lever in this position, fuel will notflow. Always turn the fuel cock lever to this positionwhen the engine is not running.1. Arrow mark pointing to “OFF”