10ASSEMBLY9. With the hood open, secure the (3) bags inplace. The back of the bags will hook overthe mounting tabs on the hitch assembly.Figure 5.10. Close the hood, and latch the draw latch overthe draw latch keeper on the hitch assembly.Figure 5.12. Secure the front of the linkage assembliesusing the hairpin secured by the lanyard.Secure the rear of the linkages using the (2)990654, cotter pins provided. Figure 6.13. Place the hose on the inlet and secure withthe hose clamp.14. Install the muffler elbow and clamp to themuffler outlet. Angle discharge directly tothe right side of the unit. Mid Size units withvertical muffler only.NOTE: The linkage assemblies may need to beadjusted. Using (2) 3/4" wrenches, loosen the 1/2"Jam Nut on the longer linkage. Turn the turnbucklein the appropriate direction to shorten the linkageassembly. Turn until the slop is taken out of thelinkages. Tighten the jam nut against theturnbuckle.11. Install the (2) linkage assemblies to the (2)support brackets on hitch assembly and the(2) support brackets on the frame. Theshorter linkage connects to the supportbracket on the hitch assembly. Figure 6.FIGURE 5HOOD ASSEMBLYDRAWLATCHMOUNTTABSDRAW LATCHKEEPERBAGFIGURE 6SUPPORT BRACKETTURNBUCKLELINKAGE ASSEMBLYLANYARDSUPPORT BRACKET