English-37MAINTENANCEBatteryYour mower is equipped with a maintenancefree battery and does not need servicing.However, periodic charging of the battery withan automotive type battery charger willextend its life.• Keep battery and terminals clean.• Keep battery bolts tight.• Recharge at 6-10 amperes for 1 hourTo clean battery and terminalsCorrosion and dirt on the battery andterminals can cause the battery to “leak”power.1. Open the terminal access doors.2. Disconnect BLACK battery cable first,then the RED battery cable and removethe battery from the machine.3. Rinse the battery with plain water anddry.4. Clean terminals and battery cable endswith wire brush until shiny.5. Coat terminals with grease or petroleumjelly6. Reinstall battery.Replacing battery1. Lift Seat and rotate forward.2. Open terminal access doors.3. Using two 1/2" wrenches disconnectBLACK battery cable then RED batterycable.4. Using 7/16" wrench, remove terminalguard.5. Carefully remove the battery from themower.6. Install new battery with terminals in thesame position as the old battery.7. Reinstall terminal guard.8. First connect RED battery cable topositive (+) battery terminal with hex boltand hex nut.IMPORTANT INFORMATIONDo not attempt to open or remove capsor covers. Adding or checking level ofelectrolyte is not necessary.Always use two wrenches for theterminal screwsWARNING!Do not short battery terminalsby allowing a wrench or anyother object to contact bothterminals at the same time.Before connecting battery,remove metal bracelets,wristwatch bands, rings, etc.Positive terminal must beconnected first to preventsparks from accidentalgrounding.CZ-221. Terminal guard2. Terminal access doorsBattery installationAlways use protective glasseswhen handling the battery.WARNING!Procedures on contact withacid.External: Rinse with plenty ofwater.Internal: Drink large quantitiesof water or milk. Contact adoctor as soon as possible.Eyes: Rainse well with plenty ofwater. Contact a doctor as soonas possible.Batteries emit explosive gas.Sparks, flames and cigarettesmust absolutely not be groughtinto the vicinity of the battery.