Customizing Your Phone292. Click Browse to locate a ring tone (file format must be *.wav) file from your localsystem.3. Click Upload to upload the file.NoteThis section provides the operating instructions for managing contacts. Topics include: Directory Local Directory Blacklist Remote Phone BookDirectory provides easy access to frequently used lists. The lists may contain LocalDirectory, History and Remote Phone Book.The ring tone for an incoming call on the phone may be different. For example, when thephone receives an incoming call from a contact stored in the local directory, it will playthe ring tone assigned to the contact in the contact directory (refer to Adding Contacts).If no ring tone is assigned to the contact, the phone will play the ring tone assigned to theassociated group (refer to Adding Groups). Otherwise, the phone will play the ring toneassi gned to the acco unt. If no ring tone is assi gned to the acco unt, the phone will play thering tone assigned for the phone.All custom ring tone files must be within 100KB. Uploading custom ring tones for yourphone is configurable via web user interface only.