Administrator’s Guide for SIP-T23 & T23P & T23G IP Phones3103. Enter the URL in the Value field.4. Click Confirm to accept the change.To configure a record key via phone user interface:1. Press Menu->Features->DSS Keys->Line Keys.2. Select the desired DSS key.3. Press or , or the Switch soft key to select Key Event from the Type field.4. Press or , or the Switch soft key to select Record from the Key Type field.5. (Optional.) Enter the string that will appear on the LCD screen in the Label field.6. Press the Save soft key to accept the change.To configure a URL record key via phone user interface:1. Press Menu->Features->DSS Keys->Line Keys.2. Select the desired DSS key.3. Press or , or the Switch soft key to select URL Record from the Type field.4. (Optional.) Enter the string that will appear on the LCD screen in the Label field.5. Enter the URL in the Value field.6. Press the Save soft key to accept the change.Hot desking originates from the definition of being the temporary physical occupant ofa work station or surface by a particular employee. A primary motivation for hotdesking is cost reduction. Hot desking is regularly used in places where not allemployees are in the office at the same time, or not in the office for a long time, whichmeans actual personal offices would often be vacant, consuming valuable space andresources.Hot desking allows a user to clear registration configurations of all accounts on the IPphone, and then register his account on line 1. To use this feature, you need to assign ahot desking key.Procedure