Managing Configuration Files19For more information on how to keep user personalization settings, refer toYealink_SIP-T2_Series_T19(P) E2_T4_Series_T5_Series_CP860_IP_Phones_Description ofConfiguration Parameters in CFG Files_V81.xlsx,Yealink IP DECT Phone Administrator Guide_V81orYealink_SIP-T5_Series_CP960_IP_Phones_Administrator_Guide.Encrypting Configuration FilesTo protect against unauthorized access and tampering of sensitive information (e.g., loginpassword, registration information), you can encrypt configuration files using YealinkConfiguration Encryption Tool. AES keys must be 16 characters and the supported characterscontain: 0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, a ~ z and the following special characters are also supported: # $ % * + , - . := ? @ [ ] ^ _ { } ~. For more information on how to encrypt configuration files, refer toYealinkConfiguration Encryption Tool User Guide.Customizing Resource FilesWhen configuring some particular features, you may need to upload resource files to IP phones,such as personalized ring tone file, language package file and logo file. Yealink supplies thefollowing resource file templates:Feature Template File NameDST AutoDST.xmlLanguage PacksFor example,000.GUI.English.lang1.English_note.xml1.English.jsReplace Rule dialplan.xmlDial-now dialnow.xml (not applicable to W56P IP DECT phones)Softkey Layout(not applicable toCP960/W52P/W56P IPDECT phones)CallFailed.xmlCallIn.xmlConnecting.xmlDialing.xml (not applicable to SIP-T58V/T58A/T56A/T48G/T48S IPphones)RingBack.xmlTalking.xmlWe recommend you do not edit the MAC-local CFG file. If you really want to edit MAC-localCFG file, you can export and then edit it.For more information on how to export CFG files, refer toYealink_SIP-T2_Series_T19(P)E2_T4_Series_T5_Series_CP860_IP_Phones_Administrator_Guide_V81,Yealink IP DECT PhoneAdministrator Guide_V81 orYealink_SIP-T5_Series_CP960_IP_Phones_Administrator_Guide.