Downloading and Verifying Configurations45After obtaining the provisioning server address in one of the ways introduced above,the phone will request to download the configuration files from the provisioning serverwhen it is triggered to perform auto provisioning. During the auto provisioning process,the IP phone will try to download the Common CFG file firstly, and then try to downloadthe MAC-Oriented CFG file from the provisioning server. If the access URLs of theresource files have been specified in the configuration files, the phone will try todownload the resource files.After downloading, the phone resolves the configuration files and resource files (ifspecified in the configuration files), and then updates the configurations and resourcefiles to the phone flash. Generally, updated configurations will automatically take effectafter the auto provisioning process is completed. For update of some specificconfigurations which require a reboot before taking effect, for example, networkconfigurations, the IP phone will reboot to make the configurations effective after theauto provisioning process is completed.The IP phone calculates the MD5 values of the downloaded files before updating them.If the MD5 values of the Common and MAC-Oriented configuration files are the sameas those of the last downloaded configuration files, this means these two configurationfiles on the provisioning server are not changed. The IP phone will complete the autoprovisioning without repeated update. This is used to avoid unnecessary restart andimpact of phone use. On the contrary, the IP phone will update configurations.If configuration files have been AES encrypted, the IP phone will uses the Common AESkey to decrypt the Common CFG file and the MAC-Oriented AES key to decrypt the.cfg file after downloading the configuration files. For more information on howthe IP phone decrypts configuration files, refer toYealink Configuration Encryption ToolUser Guide.The latest values to be applied to the IP phone are the values that take effect.The phone only reboots when there is at least a specific configuration requiring a rebootafter auto provisioning. If you want to force the IP phone to perform a reboot after autoprovisioning, you can configure “auto_provision.reboot_force.enable = 1” in theconfiguration file.For more information on the specific configurations which require a reboot during autoprovisioning and the parameter “auto_provision.reboot_force.enable”, refer toDescription of Configuration Parameters in CFG Files on page 81.