Yealink Auto provisioning User Guide12You’d better check that the ringtone file has been uploaded to the root directory of theserver before provisioning.For more information about customizing a ringtone file, you can refer to Customizing aRingtone Using Cool Edit Pro in this guide.You can modify the translation of the languages of the IP phones, but you cannot addnew language to the phone. To modify the existing language, you need to edit thelanguage file and upload it to the root directory of the provisioning server, then specifythe access URL in the configuration file.The following figure shows a portion of the language file:###################################################### Configure the access URL of the LCD language file ######################################################gui_lang.url =#gui_lang.delete = =http://localhost/all#Delete all custom languages downloaded through auto provisiongui_lang.delete =For example: enter “” in the “gui_lang.url = ” field.During the auto provisioning process, the phone connects to the provisioning server“”, and downloads the language file “lang-English.txt”.Available languages may be different between different firmware versions. Ask thedistributor for the language template file.