036-21489-001-C-100412 Unitary Products GroupFACTORY-INSTALLED OPTIONS• SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO-MIZERS - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assemblywith fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa-ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal1% leakage type dampers.• The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitorsthe outdoor air and determines when the air is coolenough and dry enough to provide free cooling.• The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and mustbe field-assembled before installing.• Power exhaust is not available as a field installed option.• POWER EXHAUST - Our single economizer options areavailable with power exhaust. Whenever the outdoor airintake dampers are opened for free cooling, the exhaustfan will be energized to prevent the conditioned spacefrom being over-pressurized during economizer opera-tion.• The exhaust fan, motor and controls are installed andwired at the factory. The rain hood and the back-draftdamper need to be assembled and installed in the field.• The power exhaust option can only be used on bottomduct configurations.• MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER -Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly with a 2-position, spring return motor actuator which opens to apre-set position whenever the supply air blower is oper-ating and will drive fully closed when the blower unitshuts down.• The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit andmust be field assembled before installing.• PHENOLIC COATED EVAPORATOR AND CON-DENSER COILS - Special coating process that utilizesTechnicoat 10-1" processes. Coating is applied by totalimmersion of the complete coil for maximum protection.• ELECTRIC HEATERS wired for single point power sup-ply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro-vided with limit and automatic reset capability to preventoperation at excessive temperatures.• FILTER OPTIONS - Standard units are shipped with 2”throw-away filters installed. 2” pleated and 4” pleated fil-ters are offered as a factory installed option.• CONVENIENCE OUTLET - This 110 volt outlet can be“powered” by the unit with a stepdown transformer oryou may order the unit with a “non-powered” conve-nience outlet that can be wired in the field.• DISCONNECT SWITCH - For gas heat units and coolingunits with electric heat, a HACR breaker sized to the unitis provided. For cooling only units, a switch sized to thelargest electric heat available for the particular unit isprovided. Factory installed option only.• BAS - Building Automation System ControlsSimplicity® Intelli-Comfort™ CONTROL - The York ®Simplicity® Intelli-Comfort™ control is factory installed.It includes a supply air sensor, a return air sensor, andan outside air sensor. There are provisions for a fieldinstalled dirty filter indicator switch, an air-proving switch,an Outside Air Humidity sensor, a Return Air Humiditysensor, an Inside IAQ sensor, and an Outside Air IAQsensor. Construction mode operation, 365-day real timeclock with 7 day programming plus holiday scheduling isbuilt-in. Two different modes of demand ventilation areachieved through the Intelli-Comfort™ using CO 2 sen-sors. It uses an inside CO 2 sensor to perform DemandVentilation. It can also use an Outside CO 2 sensor toperform Differential Demand Ventilation. It uses a Pat-ented Comfort Ventilation algorithm to provide comfort-able ventilation air temperature. The patentedeconomizer-loading algorithm will protect the equipmentwhen harsh operating conditions exist. Humidity in theoccupied space or return duct can be monitored andcontrolled via humidity sensors and the on-board con-nection for hot gas re-heat system. It uses the INTELLI-Start™ algorithm to maximize energy savings by recov-ering the building from the Unoccupied Setpoints to theOccupied Setpoints just in time for the Occupied TimePeriod to begin. The Simplicity® Intelli-Comfort™ bal-ances space temperature, ventilation air temperature,CO 2 and humidity for ultimate comfort.• Simplicity® Intelli-Comfort™ with ModLINC CONTROL- The York ® Simplicity® Intelli-Comfort™ with ModLINCcontrol is factory installed. It includes all the features ofthe Intelli-Comfort ™ control with an additional control totranslate communications from MODBUS to the BACnetMSTP protocol.• Novar® BAS CONTROL - The Novar ® ETC-3 buildingautomation system controller is factory installed.Includes supply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filterindicator switch, and air proving switch.• JOHNSON CONTROLS BAS CONTROL - The JohnsonControl YK-UNT-1126 building automation system con-troller is factory installed. Includes supply air sensor,return air sensor, dirty filter indicator switch, and air prov-ing switch.• CPC BAS CONTROL - The Computer Process ControlsModel 810-3060 ARTC Advanced Rooftop building auto-mation system controller is factory installed. Includessupply air sensor, return air sensor, dirty filter indicatorswitch and air proving switch.• HONEYWELL BAS CONTROL - The HoneywellW7750C building automation system controller is factoryinstalled. Includes air supply sensor, return air sensor,dirty filter indicator switch, and air proving switch.