GENERALModel D2EB units are factory assembled cooling only air condi-tioners designed for outdoor installation on a rooftop or a slab.Field-installed electric heater accessories are available to provideelectric heat combined with electric cooling. All units and heatersare certified by CSA.The units are completely assembled on rigid, but easily remov-able base rails. All piping, refrigerant charge, and electrical wir-ing is factory installed and tested. The units require only electricpower and duct connections at the point of installation.The electric heaters have nickel-chrome resistance wire ele-ments and utilize single point power connection.INSPECTIONAs soon as a unit is received, it should be inspected for possibledamage during transit. If damage is evident, the extent of thedamage should be noted on the carrier's freight bill. A separaterequest for inspection by the carrier's agent should be made inwriting. Refer to Form 50.15-NM for additional information.REFERENCEAdditional information on the design, installation, operationand service of this equipment is available in the following refer-ence forms:• 174065 -General Installation• 511.26-N1.1V -Electric Heater AccessoryREPLACEMENT PARTS• Refer to Replacement Parts Manual for complete listing ofreplacement parts on this equipment.Installer should pay particular attention to the words: NOTE, CAUTION and WARNING. Notes are intended to clarify or makethe installation easier. Cautions are given to prevent equipment damage. Warnings are given to alert installer that personal injuryand/or equipment damage may result if installation procedure is not handled properly.CAUTIONTHE ENCLOSED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIO NS AND ANY APPLICABLELOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL CODES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM ITEDTO, BUILDING, ELECTRICAL, AND M ECHANICAL CO DES.THIS PRO DUCT M UST BE INSTALLED IN STRICT CO M PLIANCE W ITHWARNINGOPERATION OF THE PRODUCT COULD CAUSE PERSONAL INJURYO R P R O P E R T Y D A M A G E .INCORRECT INSTALLATION M AY CREATE A CO NDITION W HERE THECHAMPION ® SERIESSINGLE PACKAGE AIR CONDITIONERSELECTRIC/ELECTRIC, AIR-COOLEDSupersedes: Nothing 174065-YIM-A-0206INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION®MODELS D2EB018 THRU 0601-1/2 THRU 5 TON(8.8 - 9.4 EER)EXPORT