WE RECOMMEND YOU HAVE SOMEONE TO ASSIST YOU IN LIFTING ANDASSEMBLING YOUR YORK T520i TREADMILL.FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND IT WILL MAKE IT EASIERFOR YOU TO ASSEMBLE YOUR YORK T520i TREADMILL.GENERALASSEMBLY INSTRUCTION1.2.Ask someone to help you remove all the partsand packaging materials on the top of yourYORK T520i from the carton and place themon the floor carefully.Fold the main frame up gently and stand it in thebase carton as shown.Ask someone to help you hold the treadmill oneach side and lift it out from the base cartoncarefully.Rest the left handle bar post, with the lockingdevice fitted, beside the main frame and close tothe handle bar mounting tube carefully as shown.Connect the sensor wire socket to the middle wireplug protruding at the base of the left handle barpost.NOTE: TAKE CARE to ensure the wires areconnected as tightly as possible.NOTE: TAKE CARESHOULD YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE REGARDING THIS PRODUCT PLEASE CONTACT YORK DIRECTLY.* *YORK T520i TM / 04AMAINFRAMEBASECARTON1.2.SENSORWIRESOCKETMIDDLEWIREPLUGLEFTHANDLE BARPOSTRest the right handle bar post, with the inclineadjustment switch fitted, beside the main frameand close to the handle bar mounting tubecarefully as shown.Connect the incline motor wire socket to the middleincline wire plug protruding at the base of the righthandle bar post.NOTE: TAKE CARE to ensure the wires areconnected as tightly as possible.NOTE: TAKE CARERIGHTHANDLE BARPOSTMIDDLEWIREPLUGMOTORWIRESOCKETABo not lift the treadmill out of thecarton from the motor end as yourfingers may get squashed !!