During a lock out, the LOR-2 contacts are closed, energizingthe X terminal on the terminal board for lighting a lock outwarning light.Resetting the Lock OutThe lock out may be reset by:• Turning the thermostat switch to OFF, or• Momentarily adjusting the cooling set point to its maxi-mum allowed value.If the unit does not resume operation after the anti-short cycletimer expires or if it continues to lock out after resumingoperation, call a service technician to diagnose and repair theunit.CAUTION: Repeatedly resetting the lock out may cause dam-age to the unit.Second Stage of CoolingThe second stage of cooling will only be enabled if the firststage of cooling is on, closing auxiliary contact 1M-AC1. A callfor cooling at terminal Y2 energizes Relay RY2, closing contactRY2-1, and energizing time delay relay 4TR if contact 1M-AC1is closed. If time delay relay 4TR is satisfied, it will energize itsoutput terminal Y2, which is connected to compressor 2 controlmodule terminal M1.If the compressor 2 control module is satisfied, it will energizetime delay relay TDR. After 4 seconds, TDR energizes com-pressor 2 contactor 2M.When 2M is energized on H3CE240 units, auxiliary contact2M-AC1 is closed, powering terminal 2 for opening the stage 2solenoid in air handlers which feature a stage 2 solenoid.LOW AMBIENT COOLINGThe following accessories are available to provide low ambientoperation to 0°F:SAFETY FEATURES1. The compressor is protected against over current andexcessive temperature as described in the Sequence ofOperation.2. The compressor is equipped with a crankcase heater todiscourage refrigerant migration into the compressor sumpduring the “OFF” cycle.3. The condenser fan motors have auto-reset internal protec-tion.4. The secondary of every transformer is grounded.5. Every unit is protected by high and low-pressure controls .CAUTION:DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START THE COMPRESSOR WITHOUTAT LEAST 8 HOURS OF CRANKCASE HEAT OR COMPRES-SOR DAMAGE WILL OCCUR.2LA04704225 208/230 VOLTS2LA04704346 460 VOLTS2LA04704458 575 VOLTSSECURE OWNER’S APPROVAL:When the system is functioning properly, secure the owner’s approval. Show him thelocation of all disconnect switches and the thermostat. Teach him how to start and stop the unit and how to adjust temperaturesettings within the limitations of the system.MAINTENANCECLEANING CONDENSER SURFACEDirt should not be allowed to accumulate on the condenser coilsor other parts in the condenser air circuit. Clean as often asnecessary with a brush, vacuum cleaner attachment or othersuitable means.LUBRICATIONThe fan motors for these condensing units are equipped withfactory lubricated and sealed ball bearings. They do not requireany maintenance.COMPRESSOR REPLACEMENTContact the local UPG Distribution Center for compressor orparts.P.O. Box 1592, York, Pennsylvania USA 17405-1592Subject to change without notice. Printed in U.S.ACopyright by York International Corporation 1998. All Rights Reserved. Code: SBY 550.23-N6Y