292424-XIM-A-0307Unitary Products Group 3GENERALThese condensing units are designed for outdoor installationon a roof or at ground level. Every unit is completely pipedand wired at the factory and is shipped ready for immediateinstallation. Only the liquid and suction lines to the evaporatorcoil, the filter drier, the control wiring and the main powerwiring are required to complete the installation. Each unit isdehydrated, evacuated, leak tested and pressure tested at450 psig before being pressurized with a holding charge ofRefrigerant-22 for shipment and/or storage.All controls are located in the front of the unit and are readilyaccessible for maintenance, adjustment and service. Allwiring (power and control) can be made through the front ofthe unit.REFERENCEThis instruction covers the installation and operation of thebasic condensing unit. For refrigerant piping installation referto document 247077 “Application Data-General Piping Rec-ommendations for Split Systems Air Conditioners and HeatPumps”.RENEWAL PARTSContact your local York® parts distribution center for autho-rized replacement parts for this equipment.INSPECTIONAs soon as a unit is received, it should be inspected for possi-ble damage during transit. If damage is evident, the extent ofthe damage should be noted on the carrier's freight bill. Aseparate request for inspection by the carrier's agent shouldbe made in writing.INSTALLATIONLIMITATIONSThese units must be installed in accordance with all nationaland local safety codes. If no local codes apply, installationmust conform to the appropriate national codes. See Table 1for Unit Application Data. Units are designed to meet NationalSafety Code Standards. If components are to be added to aunit to meet local codes, they are to be installed at thedealer's and/or the customer's expense.NOMENCLATUREPRODUCT IDENTIFIERCE = Condensing SectionVOLTAGE CODEFACTORY INSTALLED HEATA = Not Applicable50 = 380/415-3-50150 = 12.5 Tons (43.9 kW)180 = 15 Tons (52.7 kW)240 = 20 Tons (70.2 kW)NOMINAL COOLINGCAPACITYPRODUCT GENERATION5 = 5th GenerationPRODUCT CATEGORYH = Split-System Condensing UnitH 5 C E 1 8 0 A 5 0