036-21345-001-B-0105Unitary Products Group 17UNIT DIMENSIONSPIPING AND ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS.Piping connections can be made from either the left or theright of the unit. The high voltage connections are made fromthe left hand side of the unit. Low voltage is made from thetop of the electrical box from either the left or right side. Seethe drawings on the following pages for details.FIGURE 5 - HA/HB UNIT DIMENSIONSA BGHCFEDREARRIGHTFRONTLEFTTABLE 15: UNIT DIMENSIONSMODEL A B C D E F G HHA300 110.5 88.5 37.5 32.8 31.0 46.1 37.1 23.6HB360 110.5 88.5 37.5 32.8 31.0 46.1 37.1 23.6HB480 128.5 88.5 37.5 41.8 40.0 46.1 37.1 23.6HB600 128.5 88.5 57.7 41.8 40.0 46.1 37.1 23.6TABLE 16: UNIT CLEARANCESLocation DimensionsOverhead (Top)11 Units must be installed outdoors. Overhanging structures orshrubs should not obstruct condenser air discharge.120”Front access panels 36”Left Side 30”Right Side 30”Rear 24”Bottom 22 Adequate snow clearance must be provided if winter operationis expected.0”