246813-YTG-D-010810 Unitary Products GroupFILTER PERFORMANCEThe airflow capacity data published in the “Blower Perfor-mance” table listed above represents blower performanceWITHOUT filters. To determine the approximate blower per-formance of the system, apply the filter drop value for the fil-ter being used or select an appropriate value from the “FilterPerformance” table shown.NOTE: The filter pressure drop values in the “Filter Perfor-mance” table shown are typical values for the type of filterlisted and should only be used as a guideline. Actual pres-sure drop ratings for each filter type vary between filter manu-facturer.APPLYING FILTER PRESSURE DROP TODETERMINE SYSTEM AIRFLOWTo determine the approximate airflow of the unit with a filter inplace, follow the steps below:1. Select the filter type.2. Select the number of return air openings or calculate thereturn opening size in square inches to determine theproper filter pressure drop.3. Determine the External System Static Pressure (ESP)without the filter.4. Select a filter pressure drop from the table based uponthe number of return air openings or return air openingsize and add to the ESP from Step 3 to determine thetotal system static.5. If total system static matches a ESP value in the airflowtable (i.e. 0.20, 0.60, etc,) the system airflow corre-sponds to the intersection of the ESP column and Model/Blower Speed row.ACCESSORIESPROPANE (LP) CONVERSION KIT -1NP0680 - All unitsThis accessory conversion kit must be used to convert natu-ral gas (N) units for propane (LP) operation. Conversionsmust be made by qualified distributor or dealer personnel.CONCENTRIC VENT TERMINATION -1CT0302 (2")1CT0303 (3")For use through rooftop, sidewall. Allows combustion air toenter and exhaust to exit through single common hole.CONDENSATE NEUTRALIZER KIT - 1NK0301Neutralizer cartidge has a 1/2" plastic tube fittings for installa-tion in the drain line. Calcium carbonate refill media is alsoavaiable from the Source 1 Parts (p/n 026-30228-000).SIDEWALL VENT TERMINATION -1HT0901 (3")1HT0902 (2")For use on sidewall, two-pipe installations only. Provide amore attractive termination for locations where the terminal isvisable on the side of the home.SIDE RETURN FILTER -1SR0302 - All Models1SR0200 - All Models1SR0101 - All ModelsBOTTOM RETURN FILTER -1BR0114 or 1BR0214 - For 14-1/2” cabinets1BR0117 or 1BR0217 - For 17-1/2” cabinets1BR0121 or 1BR0221 - For 21” cabinets1BR0124 or 1BR0224 - For 24-1/2” cabinetsROOM THERMOSTATS - A wide selection of compatiblethermosets are available to provide optimum performanceand features for any installation.1 Heat Stage only, manual, mechanical thermostat. Add sub-base for 1H/1C.1H/1C, manual change-over electronic non-programmablethermostat.1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable,deluxe 7-day, thermostat.1H/1C, auto/manual changeover, electronic programmable.* For the most current accessory information, refer to theprice book or consult factory.FILTER PERFORMANCE - PRESSURE DROP INCHES W.C. AND (KPA)Airflow RangeMinimum Opening Size Filter TypeDisposable Washable Fiber Pleated1 Opening 2 Openings 1 Opening 2 Opening 1 Opening 2 Opening 1 Opening 2 OpeningSq. in. Sq. in. In w.c. In w.c. In w.c. In w.c. In w.c. In w.c.0 - 750 230 0.01 0.01 0.15751 - 1000 330 0.04 0.03 0.201001 - 1250 330 0.08 0.07 0.201251 - 1500 330 0.08 0.07 0.251501 - 1750 380 658 0.14 0.08 0.13 0.06 0.30 0.171751 - 2000 380 658 0.17 0.09 0.15 0.07 0.30 0.172001 & Above 463 658 0.17 0.09 0.15 0.07 0.30 0.17UNIT CLEARANCES TO COMBUSTIBLESApplication Top Front Rear Left Side Right Side Flue Floor/BottomClosetAlcove AtticIn. In. In. In. In. In.Upflow 1 3 0 0 0 0 Combustible Yes Yes