036-21484-001-B-010326 Unitary Productsnate any moisture or foreign matter. C. Accessible servicegage connections on both suction and discharge lines tocharge, evacuate, and measure refrigerant pressure duringany necessary servicing or troubleshooting, without losingcharge. D. The unit shall have two independent refrigerantcircuits, equally split in 50% capacity increments.Unit Controls: A. unit shall be complete with self-containedlow-voltage control circuit protected by a resetable circuitbreaker on the 24-volt transformer side. B. Unit shall incorpo-rate a lockout circuit which provides reset capability at thespace thermostat or base unit, should any of the followingstandard safety devices trip and shut off compressor: (1)loss-of-charge/Low-pressure switch, (2) high-pressureswitch, (3) freeze-protection thermostat, evaporator coil.C. If any of the above safety devices trip, a LED (light-emit-ting diode) indicator shall flash a diagnostic code that indi-cates which safety switch has tripped. D. Unit shallincorporate “AUTO RESET” compressor over temperature,over current protection. E. Unit shall operate with conven-tional thermostat designs and have a low voltage terminalstrip for easy hook-up. F. Unit control board shall have on-board diagnostics and fault code display. G. Standard con-trols shall include anti-short cycle and low voltage protection,and permit cooling operation down to 0 °F. H. Control boardshall monitor each refrigerant safety switch independently. I.Control board shall retain last 5 fault codes in non volatilememory, which will not be lost in the event of a power loss.GAS HEATING SECTION (IF EQUIPPED)Heat exchanger and exhaust system shall be constructed ofaluminized steel or optional stainless steel. Shall be designedwith induced draft combustion with post purge logic, energysaving direct spark ignition, and redundant main gas valve.The heat exchanger shall be of the tubular type, constructedof T1-40 aluminized steel (or optional 304 stainless steel) forcorrosion resistance and allowing minimum mixed air enter-ing temperature of 40 °F. Burners shall be of the in-shot type,constructed of aluminum-coated steel. All gas piping shallenter the unit cabinet at a single location, through either theside or bottom, without any field modifications. An integratedcontrol board shall provide timed control of evaporator fanfunctioning and burner ignition. Heating section shall be pro-vided with the following minimum protection: A. Primary andauxiliary high-temperature limit switches. B. Induced draftpressure sensor. C. Flame roll out switch (manual reset). D.Flame proving controls. Unit shall have two independentstages of capacity (60% 1 st stage, 100% 2 nd stage).ELECTRIC HEATING SECTION (IF REQUIRED)An electric heating section, with nickel chromium elements,shall be provided in a range of 9 thru 54 KW, offering twostages of capacity all sizes. The heating section shall have aprimary limit control(s) (automatic reset) to prevent the heat-ing element system from operating at an excessive tempera-ture. The Heating Section assembly shall slide out of the unitfor easy maintenance and service. Units with Electric HeatingSections shall be wired for a single point power supply withbranch circuit fusing (where required).UNIT OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSUnit shall be capable of starting and running at 125 °F out-door temperature, exceeding maximum load criteria of ARIStandard 210/240. The compressor, with standard controls,shall be capable of operation down to 0 °F outdoor tempera-ture. Unit shall be provided with fan time delay to prevent coldair delivery before heat exchanger warms up. (Gas heatonly).ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSAll unit power wiring shall enter unit cabinet at a single factoryprovided location and be capable of side or bottom entry tominimize roof penetrations and avoid unit field modifications.Separate side and bottom openings shall be provided for thecontrol wiring.STANDARD LIMITED WARRANTIESCompressor – 5 Years, Heat Exchanger – 10 Years, Elect.Heat Elem. – 5 Years, Parts – 1 YearFACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONAL OUTDOOR AIR (Shallbe made available by either/or):1. ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY AUTOMATIC ECONO-MIZER – Outdoor and return air dampers that are inter-locked and positioned by a fully-modulating, spring-return damper actuator. The maximum leakage rate forthe outdoor air intake dampers shall not exceed 2%when dampers are fully closed and operating against apressure differential of 0.5 IWG. A unit-mounted potenti-ometer shall be provided to adjust the outdoor and returnair damper assembly to take in outdoor air to meet theminimum ventilation requirement of the conditionedspace during normal operation. During economizer oper-ation, a mixed-air temperature control shall modulate theoutdoor and return air damper assembly to prevent thesupply air temperature from dropping below 55 °F.Changeover from compressor to economizer operationshall be provided by an integral electronic enthalpy con-trol that feeds input into the basic module. The outdoorintake opening shall be covered with a rain hood thatmatches the exterior of the unit. Water eliminator/filtersshall be provided. Simultaneous economizer/compressoroperation is also possible. Dampers shall fully close onpower loss. Available with barometric relief or powerexhaust.2. MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR DAMPERS – Outdoor andreturn air dampers that are interlocked and positioned bya 2-position, spring-return damper actuator. The maxi-mum leakage rate for the outdoor air intake dampersshall not exceed 2% when dampers are fully closed andoperating against a pressure differential of 0.5 IWG. Aunit-mounted potentiometer shall be provided to adjustthe outdoor and return air damper assembly to take in