York PW Series Operation & Maintenance Manual
JOHNSON CONTROLS2YORK® by Johnson Controls fans consist of a fan housing,impeller, shaft, bearings, and motor mounting plate (whererequired). All impellers are statically and dynamically balanced.RECEIVING AND INSPECTIONYORK® by Johnson Controls fans are carefully inspectedbefore leaving the factory. When the unit is received, inspectthe carton for any signs of tampering. Inspect the unit for anydamage that may have occurred during transit and check forloose, missing or damaged parts. Mishandled units can voidthe warranty provisions. YORK® by Johnson Controls is notresponsible for damages incurred during shipment.Avoid severe jarring and/or dropping. Handle units with careto prevent damage to components or special finishes.HANDLINGFans should be hoisted with slings placed around the fan housing.When a single hoist is used, a “spreader”will keep the sling fromslipping on the housing. If it is necessary to use hooks placedin lifting holes of fan, BE CAREFUL NOT TO DISTORT ORBEND THE HOUSING. Large units may have lifting lugs orholes which should be used only to stabilize the unit whileusing a sling to support the weight.Chain or wire slings should be well padded where they contactthe fan, especially where special coatings and paints areinvolved. Rubber, phenolic enamels, etc. require special care asthey may easily be damaged by contact in lifting. Even a smallchip will destroy the corrosion prevention seal of the coatingand allow corrosion to start. Always repair scratched surfaceswith touch up of like coating prior to installation.STORAGEStore in a dry, protected area being sure fan shaft, bearings andimpeller are protected against dust and corrosion.If it is necessary to store outdoors or within a building underconstruction, special care must be taken to prevent moisture,corrosion, dirt or dust accumulation. Coat the shaft with greaseor rust preventative compound. Cover and seal bearings toprevent entrance of contaminants. Impeller should be rotated atleast once a month to circulate the grease in bearings.If stored outdoors over seven (7) days, cover completely with atarp or heavy waterproof paper. Electrical connections and leadsmust be protected from moisture. Block impeller to preventnatural rotation. Do not allow material of any kind to be piled ontop or inside of fan.LONG TERM STORAGE (OVER 1 MONTH)Long-term storage is defined as storage for period exceedingone month from the date the equipment was received. Fans andmotors should be stored in a dry, low humidity area indoors.Equipment which is to be installed, but not operated for severalmonths, should first be blocked to take the weight off of thevibration isolators (if provided), and then given the sameprotection, periodic inspection and maintenance as a unit instorage.To prevent puddle corrosion of fan bearings that undergo longterm storage the following preventive maintenance must beperformed:1. Fan bearings must be relubricated every month until thefans are put into service. A clear 1/16” bead of grease mustappear on each side of the bearings. Fan wheels are to berotated manually while the bearings are relubricated. Referto the specific bearing lubrication instructions located onthe fan housing for the type of lubricant to use.2. Inlet vanes should be operated at least once a month whilein storage. A spray lubricant such as:• Dow Corning Molykote 557• Dow Corning Molykote G Spray- Bonded Lubricantor equivalent should be applied to the bushing joints toassure corrosion protection while in storage.3. Motor bearings should be lubricated as recommended bythe motor manufacturer.SURFACE PROTECTIONMost fans are available with special paint finished to protectthe fan against a wide variety of adverse conditions. The standardfinish furnished without additional charge is well suited forindoor use. Fans installed in severe outdoor applications (i.e.,coastal areas, etc.) may require additional surface protection.The outdoor finish must be compatible with Alkyd base paint.Architecturally pleasing colors are available from many paintmanufacturers. This allows the owner to make the outside colorchoice at the time of the fan installation to match architecturalfeatures of the building.BEARING PROTECTIONFans equipped with standard duty bearings have been test runat the factory. These bearings are prelubricated and should notrequire any additional grease for startup. However, if unit isnot put in service immediately, it is advisable to add lubricantso as to expel any air voids in the bearing reservoir whichmay ultimately collect condensation or moisture. The excessINTRODUCTION |
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