637367-XTG-B-1110Johnson Controls Unitary Products 7FACTORY-INSTALLED OPTIONS• SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO-MIZERS - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assemblywith fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa-ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal1% leakage type dampers.The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitorsthe outdoor air and determines when the air is coolenough and dry enough to provide free cooling.The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and mustbe field-assembled before installing.• MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER -Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly with a 2-posi-tion, spring return motor actuator which opens to a pre-setposition whenever the supply air blower is operating andwill drive fully closed when the blower unit shuts down.The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit andmust be field assembled before installing.• PHENOLIC COATED EVAPORATOR AND CON-DENSER COILS - Special coating process that utilizesTechnicoat 10-1TM processes. Coating is applied by totalimmersion of the complete coil for maximum protection.• ELECTRIC HEATERS wired for single point power sup-ply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro-vided with limit and automatic reset capability to preventoperation at excessive temperatures.• FILTER OPTIONS - Standard units are shipped with25mm (1”) throw-away filters installed. 50mm (2”)pleated filters are offered as a factory installed option.• CONVENIENCE OUTLET - The unit may be orderedwith a “non-powered” convenience outlet that can bewired in the field.• DISCONNECT SWITCH - For gas heat units and coolingunits with electric heat, a HACR breaker sized to the unitis provided. For cooling only units, a switch sized to thelargest electric heat available for the particular unit isprovided. Factory installed option only.• BAS - See “Additional Options” section in the productnomenclature.• SMOKE DETECTORS - (supply air & return air) Thesmoke detectors stop operation of the unit by interruptingpower to the control board if smoke is detected within theair compartment.m• COIL GUARD - Customers can purchase a coil guard kitto protect the condenser coil from damage. This is not ahail guard kit.• STAINLESS STEEL HEAT EXCHANGER - For applica-tions in corrosive environments, this option provides afull stainless steel heat exchanger assembly.• PHASE MONITORS - Designed to prevent unit damage.The phase monitor will shut the unit down in an out-of-phase condition.• DIRTY FILTER SWITCH - This kit includes a differentialpressure switch that energizes the fault light on the unitthermostat, indicating that there is an abnormally highpressure drop across the filters. Factory installed optionor field installed accessory.• HINGED FILTER DOOR/“TOOLLESS” BLOWER ANDACCESS PANELS (not hinged) - This option allows foreasy access and maintenance.NOTE:Knobs are shipped inside the unit to prevent ship-ping damage. These must be field installed fortool-less operation.FIELD-INSTALLED ACCESSORIES• SINGLE INPUT ELECTRONIC ENTHALPY ECONO-MIZERS - Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assemblywith fully modulating spring-return motor actuator capa-ble of introducing up to 100% outdoor air with nominal1% leakage type dampers.The enthalpy system contains one sensor that monitorsthe outdoor air and determines when the air is coolenough and dry enough to provide free cooling.The rainhood is painted to match the basic unit and mustbe field-assembled before installing.• MOTORIZED OUTDOOR AIR INTAKE DAMPER -Includes a slide-in / plug-in damper assembly with a 2-position, spring return motor actuator which opens tosome pre-set position whenever the supply air blower isoperating and will drive fully closed when the blower unitshuts down.The rain hood is painted to match the basic unit andmust be field assembled before installing.• ELECTRIC HEATERS wired for single point power sup-ply. These nickel chromium heater elements are pro-vided with limit and automatic reset capability to preventoperation at excessive temperatures.• ROOF CURBS - Eight and fourteen-inch high roof curbsprovide a water-tight seal between the unit and the finishedroof. These full perimeter curbs meet the requirements ofthe National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) andare shipped knocked-down for field assembly.Roof curbs are designed to fit inside the base rails of theunit and include both a wood nailing strip and ducthanger supports.Factory installed Smoke Detectors in the ReturnAir, may be subjected to freezing temperaturesduring “off” times due to Out Side Air infiltration.These Smoke Detectors have an operational limitof 32°F to 131°F. Smoke Detectors installed inareas that could be out side those limitations willhave to be moved to prevent having false alarms.