Contractor: P.O.:Engineer:Project Name: Unit Tag:The manufacturer works continually to improve its products. As a result, the design and specifications of each product at the time of order may be changed without notice. Purchaser’s approval of this data set signifies that the equipment is acceptable under the provisionsof the job specification. Statements and other information contained herein are not express warranties and do not form the basis of any bargain between the parties, but are merely the manufacturer’s opinion or commendation of its products. York and Affinity are registeredtrademarks of Johnson Controls, Inc., and are used with permission.Affinity & Affinity Advanced Series1 - 6 Tons 60HzSD2500AK6 06/21 66 Page _____ of _____Pages: Description: Date: By:2 Nomenclature Update 27 May 2021 MAAll Released Aluminum Air Coil Option 1 Sept 2015 MAAll First Published. 03 Jun 2012 DS