YORK VRF Air-Conditioner IOM6polythylene materials. Be sure to insulate the field piping all the way tothe piping connection inside the unit. Any exposedpiping may casue condensate water or beingburned if touched.7 DRAIN PIPING WORK Drain pipe connection diameter may varydepending on different models. It can be divided asfree drainage and pump drainage. So pleaseconfirm the model name and use the right methodfor that model. Be sure the drain pipe works well and smothlybefore making the duct connection. (It is not easyto check the drain pipe when the duct has beenconnected.)7.1 Install the drain pipe Make sure the drain works properly. Diameter of the drain pipe should be larger than orequal to the one of the connecting pipe. (drain pipeconnection diameter of indoor unit is 3/4”(19.05mm)) Make a water trap on the drain pipe outlet fromindoor unit. The water trap should meet belowrequirements. (A, B ı 50mm)Fig. 7 Water Trap If central drain pipe has been used, keep the drainpipe short and sloping downwards at a gradient ofat least 2/100 to prevent air pockets from forming.(Refer to Fig. 8) Select central drain pipe of proper size according tothe total capacity of the connected unit.>100mm Central drain pipeFig. 8 Central Drain Pipe For the indoor unit with pump drainage(a) Be sure the drain raising pipe height is within700mm.(b) Place the drain raising pipe vertically and makesure it is no further than 300mm. (Refer to Fig.8)(c) The spare drain hole also needs to bethoroughly insulated to avoid accumulating ofcondensate water.Fig. 9 Pump Drainage To prevent the drain pipe from sagging, installhanging bracket every 1~1.5 m. When connecting the drain pipe, effective methodshould be carried out to guarantee no leakage oneach connection area. To avoid condensate water accumulating on thedrain pipe and dropping down, the drain pipeshould be insulated.7.2 Check the drain pipe After piping work is finished, check if drainageflows smoothly.(a) Free drainageGradually insert approximately 1000 ml cleanwater into the drain pan to check drainagestatus.(b) Pump drainageRemove the lid of the control box. Connectthe relevant power supply and ground lines,then close the lid.Gradually insert approximately 1000 ml cleanwater from the fin coil side.Power on the unit and inspect the drainpump working status. The electric wiring works should be performed byspecially qualified electricians. If no electricians in site, please flow the abovesteps to do drainage confirmation after the systemtest running.8 INSTALLING THE DUCT Materials for duct installation are supplied in thefield. Refer to Fig. 10 to connect the duct.NOTECAUTION