4U26HS 1ERA4U30HS1ERAItem Unit Description Standard MaximumA,B,C, Dliquid pipe mm Size of the liquid side connection pipe φ6.35 /A,B,C Gas pipe mm Size of the gas side connection pipe φ9.52 /D Gas pi[pe mm Size of the gas side connection pipe φ12.7 /L1 (one way) m Max.piping length between IU and OU of the way ≤10 ≤25L2 (one way) m Max.piping length between IU and OU of the way ≤10 ≤25L3 (one way) m Max.piping length between IU and OU of the way ≤10 ≤25L4 (one way) m Max.piping length between IU and OU of the way ≤10 ≤25L1+L2+L3+L4 m Total liquid piping length ≤40 ≤70m Drop between every two indoor units when the location ofthe outdoor unit is among indoor units ≤1 ≤15m Drop between every two indoor units when the location ofthe outdoor unit is at one side of indoor units ≤1 ≤7.5H+ m Drop between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit ≤5 ≤15m Drop between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit when thelocation of outdoor unit is among the indoor units ≤5 ≤7.5m Drop between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit when thelocation of outdoor unit is at one side of indoor units ≤5 ≤15hH-YJU4YH025BARXA-XYJU4YH030BARXA-X165