5188235-YIM-B-1016Johnson Controls Unitary Products 35• Lit whenever 24 volts AC power is present to the RRSEconomizer Controller C and R pins• FAULT (red)• Lit, then flashes during the boot-up sequence of the RRSEconomizer Controller• Not lit when there are no Alarms active• Double-flash/pause continuously when Alarms are active• SA BUS (green)• Will not be litMenu StructureThe top level menus are:• STATUS• ALARMS• SUMMARY ECONOMIZER, POWER EXHAUST,COMPRESSOR• COMMISSION• CONTROLLER SETTINGS• UPDATE• DETAILS• SELF TEST• VIEW RESULTSNOTE: Your menu parameters will be different depending onyour configuration. See the RRS Economizer ControlQuick Start Guide P/N 5292230-USG-A-1016, found onUPG.net \Controls.RRS Economizer Controller Parameter Menu FunctionsThere are several "conditional" parameters within the menu.Parameters for temperature, humidity and CO 2 inputs are onlyshown in the menu once sensor presence has been detected.Parameters associated with a function are only shown in themenu when that function is enabled.Smart Equipment™ Economizer SequencesUnits with the Smart Equipment™ Control will have a factoryoption or field kit with Johnson Controls Economizer.Several functions can drive the economizer, including: minimumposition, free cooling, economizer loading, and minimumoutdoor air supply.Economizer Minimum PositionThe economizer minimum position is set during occupied modewhen outside air is not suitable for free cooling. The position ofthe damper is set proportionally between the "EconomizerMinimum Position and the Economizer Minimum Position LowSpeed Fan" set points, in relationship to the VFD outputpercentage. On a constant volume single speed supply fansystem both set-points should be set to the same value.Free CoolingFour types of free cooling options are available: dry bulbchangeover, single enthalpy, dual enthalpy changeover, andAuto.Dry Bulb ChangeoverFor dry bulb economizer operation, the outside air is suitable forfree cooling if the outside air temperature is 1°F below theEconomizer OAT Enable Setpoint and 1°F below the Return AirTemperature.Free cooling is no longer available if the outside air temperaturerises above either the Economizer OAT Enable setpoint or thereturn air temperature.Single Enthalpy ChangeoverFor single enthalpy economizer operation, the outside air issuitable for free cooling if the outside air enthalpy is at least 1BTU/lb below the Economizer Outside Air Enthalpy Setpointand the outside air temperature is no greater than the RAT plus9°F.If the outside air temperature rises above the RAT plus 10°F,free cooling is no longer available. The outside air temperaturemust drop to no greater than RAT plus 9°F to enter free coolingagain.Free cooling is no longer available if the outside air enthalpyrises above the Economizer Outside Air Enthalpy Setpoint.Dual Enthalpy ChangeoverFor dual enthalpy economizer operation, the outside airenthalpy must be lower than the return air enthalpy by 1 btu/lbAND the outside air temperature is no greater than the RATplus 9°F.AutoThe control determines the type of free cooling changeoverbased on which sensors are present and reliable. Conditionsinclude:• Return and outside air dry bulb = dry bulb changeover• Return and outside air dry bulb and outside air humidity =single enthalpy• Return and outside air dry bulb and return and outside airhumidity = dual enthalpy• If either the return or outside air dry bulb sensors areunreliable, free cooling is not availableFree Cooling OperationWhen the control determines that the outside air is suitable, thefirst stage of cooling will always be free cooling.Thermostat