VF Series User Manual P a g e | 17DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, which is to dynamically allocate IP addresses forclients via server. If DHCP is enabled, IP cannot be set manually.IP Address: IP address for WIFI network, the default is, you can modify it as per the actualnetwork environment.Subnet Mask: The default is, you can modify it as per the actual networkenvironment.Gateway: The default is, you can modify it as per the actual network environment.5.5 Cloud Server SettingThis setting is used for connecting with ADMS server. Press Cloud Server Setting on the Comm.Settings interface.When the Webserver is connected successfully, the main interface will display the logo.Menu Item DescriptionEnable DomainNameWhen this function is enabled, the domainname mode http://... will be used, such ashttp://www.XYZ.com. XYZ denotes thedomain name when this mode is on; whenthis mode is off, enter the IP address format inXYZ.Server Address IP address of the ADMS server.Server Port Port used by the ADMS server.Enable ProxyServerMethod of enabling proxy. To enable proxy,please set the IP address and port number ofthe proxy server.