Adjusting the water softenerHard water contains a high quantity of mineralsthat can cause damage to the appliance andbad washing results. The water softener neu-tralises these minerals.The dishwasher salt keeps the water softenerclean and in good conditions. Refer to the tableto adjust the water softener to the right level. Itmakes sure that the water softener uses thecorrect quantity of dishwasher salt and water.You must adjust the water softener man-ually and electronically.Water hardness Water softeneradjustmentGermandegrees(°dH)Frenchdegrees(°fH)mmol/l ClarkedegreesManual Elec-tronic51 - 70 91 - 125 9.1 - 12.5 64 - 88 2 1) 1043 - 50 76 - 90 7.6 - 9.0 53 - 63 2 1) 937 - 42 65 - 75 6.5 - 7.5 46 - 52 21) 829 - 36 51 - 64 5.1 - 6.4 36 - 45 21) 723 - 28 40 - 50 4.0 - 5.0 28 - 35 21) 619 - 22 33 - 39 3.3 - 3.9 23 - 27 21) 51)15 - 18 26 - 32 2.6 - 3.2 18 - 22 1 411 - 14 19 - 25 1.9 - 2.5 13 - 17 1 34 - 10 7 - 18 0.7 - 1.8 5 - 12 1 2< 4 < 7 < 0.7 < 5 12) 12)1) Factory position.2) Do not use salt at this level.Manual adjustment1 2Turn the water hard-ness dial to the posi-tion 1 or 2.Electronic adjustment1. Make sure that the programme marker onthe programme knob is aligned with the on/off indicator.2. Press and hold the start button. At the sametime turn the programme knob clockwiseuntil the programme marker is aligned withthe first programme on the control panel.3. Release the start button when the start indi-cator and the on/off indicator start to flash.• The end indicator flashes intermittently.The number of flashes shows the level ofthe water softener. Example: 5 flashes +pause + 5 flashes = level 5.4. To adjust the level of the water softener,press the start button. Each time you pressthe start button you go to the next level.6