CONTROL KNOBSymbol Descriptionno gas supply / off positionignition position / maximumgas supplySymbol Descriptionminimum gas supplyDAILY USEWARNING! Refer to Safety chapters.BURNER OVERVIEWABDCA. Burner capB. Burner crownC. Ignition candleD. ThermocoupleIGNITION OF THE BURNERAlways light the burner before you puton the cookware.WARNING! Be very careful when youuse open fire in the kitchenenvironment. The manufacturerdeclines any responsibility in case ofthe flame misuse.1. Push the control knob down and turn itcounterclockwise to the maximum gas supplyposition ( ).2. Keep the control knob pushed for equal or lessthan 10 seconds. This lets the thermocouplewarm up. If not, the gas supply is interrupted.3. Adjust the flame after it is regular.If after some tries the burner does notlight, check if the crown and its capare in correct positions.WARNING! Do not keep the controlknob pushed for more than 15seconds. If the burner does not lightafter 15 seconds, release the controlknob, turn it into off position and try tolight the burner again after minimum 1minute.CAUTION! In the absence ofelectricity you can ignite the burnerwithout electrical device; in this caseapproach the burner with a flame, turnthe control knob counter-clockwise tomaximum gas supply position andpush it down. Keep the control knobpushed for equal or less than 10seconds to let the thermocouple warmup.If the burner accidentally goes out,turn the control knob to the off positionand try to light the burner again afterminimum 1 minute.The spark generator can startautomatically when you switch on themains, after installation or a power cut.It is normal.The hob is supplied with theprogressive valves. They make theflame regulation more precise.11