2A | Adjusting the flange focaldistance of the lensCongratulations on the purchase of this Compact Prime CP.2 lens set. We areconvinced that your new lenses will bring you much pleasure and success.The Compact Prime CP.2 lenses are the latest members of the ZEISS family of lensesfor digital and film cameras. They deliver great flexibility by introducing interchange-able mounts that allow the lenses to be used with a wide range of cameras, fromtraditional cine to HDSLR systems. Available in five different mounts – PL, EF, F,Micro 4/3 and E – this new family of ZEISS lenses enables cinematographers to becompletely free in their choice of camera systems. The Compact Prime CP.2 lensescover the full-frame image format without vignetting.In this manual we take a Compact Prime CP.2 35mm/ T 2.1 with EF mount, scaledin feet as an example to explain how to change a lens mount and the subsequentmatching of your lens to a DSLR camera. Proceed in the same sequences to switchto any other CP.2 mount.