Operation of the instrument000000-1490-499-GA-GB-09011831Adjusting the illuminationThe light dose is based on the illuminance and exposure time.Very long exposure times of the same area of the retina are not typical, asslit lamp examination is a dynamic process.The illuminance directed on the fundus can be reduced as follows:• Reduce the lamp brightness.• Do not dilate the patient's pupil unless it is really necessary.• Only adjust the size of the illuminated area (slit width, slit length) as largeas necessary.• For observation, adjust the illumination angles as large as possible.• Use color filter or, in special cases a diffusor.Tonometry• The measuring prisms must be disinfected and undamaged.Therefore, we recommend the use of several measuring prisms.• The instrument table must be horizontal to avoid movement of the slitlamp with attached measuring prism towards the patient. This is ofparticular importance when taking tonometric measurements withoutlocking the instrument base.Therefore, we recommend that you always fix the instrument base assoon as the measuring prism touches the cornea.• Refer to the manual of the AT 020 or AT 030 applanation tonometer.